Optimize transit operations with industry standard open data formats
- 定制解决方案
- 有效的部署
- 多功能集成
Inform your customers and improve efficiency with transit data software made especially for transit agencies. The TRANSIT数据套件 caters to the unique requirements of transit agencies, enhancing customer satisfaction and optimizing operations for peak efficiency. 用工具来创建, 管理 and utilize industry-standard open data formats such as GTFS and GTFS-realtime, 我们的解决方案可快速部署. They can be seamlessly implemented as standalone tools or integrated for a comprehensive and potent toolkit.
Create, 管理 and edit General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) data. General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) data allows users to plan their journeys through their preferred apps. This also serves as the foundation for reliable realtime feeds, 满足客户对可靠旅行计划的期望. 满足这些需求, Arcadis’s TRANSIT-data-tools offers a robust suite of cloud-based tools that support the creation, 维护, 验证, 以及以GTFS格式部署过境数据.
Our system offers a user-friendly, map-based interface for creating and modifying GTFS feeds. Users can effortlessly 管理 multiple versions of data, facilitating quick scenario planning.
Conduct comprehensive industry-standard 验证 checks on GTFS feeds. Our system automatically suggests fixes for any reported errors, ensuring data accuracy. 用户还可以使用基于地图的编辑器进行调整.
每天检查新的GTFS版本. 接收电子邮件通知更新的饲料可用性, 缩短生产和公开发布之间的时间.
Effortlessly validate and deploy multiple GTFS feeds for regional transit systems. With a single click, generate and deploy a regional GTFS feed to OpenTripPlanner.
Receive configurable 电子邮件 and web notifications for various system events. Users can discuss changes and address issues by adding comments to feeds, streamlining collaboration.
TRANSIT-data-tools is currently used by ten agencies across 北美 to 管理 their GTFS data and deployments of OpenTripPlanner:
自动创建的中心集线器, 管理, and dissemination of service alerts to the public and transit partners. 有效的交通依赖于知情的乘客, and agencies strive to offer timely updates on service disruptions. 利用我们基于网络的交通警报系统, 机构人员可以输入, 监督, and publish service alerts seamlessly from a centralized hub. This ensures comprehensive updates for your entire ridership, 不管他们喜欢的信息源是什么. The system automatically generates consistent messaging for all dissemination channels based on user selections, 维护跨平台的一致性.
Our system offers a user-friendly interface with intuitive options for specifying alert types and 控制ling affected services. 用户享受灵活的时间安排, 简单的模板创建, 为每种方法定制的自动生成文本, 可配置文本缩短短信或推文, 对时间敏感的信息进行动态更新.
我们的系统无缝地处理警报转换, 提供有效的组织与标签和星星, 以及强大的搜索能力. 用户可以轻松编辑, 关闭, 或单独或批量重复警报, 灵活的权限级别可以加强协作. Additionally, a downloadable alert history provides valuable insights and an audit trail.
Our system streamlines operations by automatically generating and closing alerts for multiple types of outages including trip cancellations and elevator and escalator outages when connected with your existing systems. 利用集成状态提要, the system promptly notifies relevant parties of disruptions and resolutions, ensuring smooth and efficient 管理 of transit and facility operations.
我们的系统提供各种输出, 包括gtfs -实时提要, api, 微博, 确保广泛的可达性. Third-party apps can seamlessly access alert data via the GTFS-realtime feed, while updates accurately reflect changes like detour-impacted 停止. Customers receive timely 电子邮件 or SMS alerts through integration with an agency’s GovDelivery system or other 电子邮件/SMS subscription system.
TRANSIT-alerts is used every day by transit agencies across 北美. 客户包括:
集中总, 管理, 控制, 并传播实时交通数据, 包括服务警报, 车辆位置, 以及各机构或地区的抵达预测. TRANSIT-realtime empowers agencies to generate a comprehensive array of General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS)-realtime feeds that remain consistent and current, 即使在服务中断的情况下.
TRANSIT-realtime provides data to agency customers every day at well known transit agencies including:
城市, 校园, and private operators can use Transit Data Suite to optimize their transportation experience. 今天和我们的一位专家谈谈.